Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Stakes of the Game

After the events of the past week, are we paying attention now?

Maybe. The new polls show a slight bump for Obama in some swing states.

Again, given that Mr. McCain supported President Bush over 90% of the time, that he has a loyalty to the very lobbyists that helped create $4.00 a gallon oil, unregulated loans and rising inflation, does anyone believe that he will solve this tremendous turmoil? And again, if not, why are 50% of Americans supporting him?

Maybe the answer is not Sarah after all, although she clearly has helped with white women. No, I think this election will turn on the elephant in the room. Yes, we're all ignoring it, and until this past weekend it was getting no play in the media. Then suddenly, there it was in all of it's ugly wrinkles: Thirty three percent of white Democrats "harbor negative views of black people, calling them 'lazy,' 'violent' and responsible for their own troubles".

Now, I knew that one of the challenges facing Barack was that some unknown percentage of Americans will not vote for him simply because he is black. For them Barack's skin color disqualifies him. What we don't know is what percentage of that group wouldn't have voted for a Democrat anyway. But wow, now we find out that one third of the white people in his own party reside in that racist demographic. This does not bode well for the non-Democrat electorate. No, it's an uphill climb. At this critical moment in our nation's history when we may be standing on the brink of another Great Depression, our electorate is focused more on the color of a candidate's skin than on the future of our nation and their own well being. This is both fascinating and horrifying. Can we really be so easily frightened and manipulated? Is anyone awake? Is this thing on?

The ridicuous efficiency of the Rovian Machine continues to distract our citizens. That machine tricks them into focusing on the middle name Hussein, or lies that Barack won't say the Pledge of Alligence, won't put his hand over his heart, or is somehow not qualified because he was a community organizer. An unqualified Vice Presidential candidate steals headlines and momentum, but is not allowed to speak to the citizens of the country she deigns to lead. In the face of foreclosure, bankruptcy and recession we have become puppets of the true American Elite who while running (ruining) our country shout "look over there" and we all turn our attention to the minutia while the robber barons steal us blind.

To quote Barack, ENOUGH. We must look beyond the facade created by the political carnies. Do not allow them to trick you into a game of three card monte - there is no ball under any of the shells. Your health, your home, your kids, your retirement, your country are all at risk. The truths we hold to be self evident are at risk. You unalienable rights are at risk. These are the true stakes of the game in which we find ourselves.

Please act accordingly.


Riss said...

I love your blog. It's like you're inside my brain. This week's events are, um, special. I love how the Republicans are enthusiastically embracing socialism when it comes to preserving the compensation packages for billionaire CEOs of investment firms, yet scream from the rooftops about the threat of "godless communism" when it comes to something that actually helps regular people, like universal healthcare. Situational ethics, anyone?

Anthony said...

Speaking of situational ethics, I'm curious how much play Rick Davis' link to Freddie Mac will get in the media. Credibility is huge in my eyes when it comes to either candidate, although I suspect McCain will let Davis take the fall for this one (if we even hear more about this): http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/michaeltomasky/2008/sep/24/johnmccain.congress