Friday, October 17, 2008

The New Gipper

How many times during the debates did John McCain call Ronald Reagan his hero? The strategy was sound, if unsuccessful. Reagan represents the ultimate Republican ideal. The Gipper's memory evokes great pride for the faithful; they want to rename roads, airports, and buildings, put his picture on currency, build statues, and if possible, resurrect him. The father of Trickle Down, Reagan's ghost possesses immunity from historical fact. The right canonized him as the man that would NEVER raise taxes, even though he did.

Indeed, the real Reagan, after an initial massive tax cut, raised taxes four times between 1982 and 1984. He agreed to a $165 billion bailout of Social Security. The number of workers on the Federal payroll rose under Reagan, but fell dramatically under Clinton. To be sure, most of Reagan's ideology was the epitome of conservatism. However, the things he is most often lauded for accomplishing are myths.

So what was the real magic of Ronald Reagan? I assert that Reagan became such an iconic figure because he made people proud to be American. Somehow, he erased the stench of the post Vietnam era. He restored our national pride, our sense of worth, our identity. There lies the magic of Reagan, regardless of the myth.

I believe that we are close to electing another President capable of doing the exact same thing. Barack Obama can bear the mantle of Reagan's "great communicator" title. Despite the racist and divisive rhetoric of the McCain campaign, Barack's innate intelligence and eloquence combine in a speaking style that is both accessible and inspirational. We have the opportunity now, in the next few weeks, to elect a leader that can erase the stench of the Bush years, that can restore our national pride, our sense of worth, our identity.

One can only hope that we follow through, and prove ourselves worthy of redemption.

McCain's Dangerous Game

I recently watched video footage of McCain supporters being interviewed while queued up to attend one of his appearances. Their actions and comments foretell of great danger for the future of this nation- danger that has it's genesis in McCain's campaign. Most of the citizens in line expressed their belief that Barack is either a Muslim or a terrorist. Worse, the seething anger underlying their opinions was evident. That anger has been and continues to be purposefully stoked by the McCain/Palin machine.

Barack confronted McCain with this during Wednesday's debate, noting that people yelled "kill him" at one of Sarah's "rallies" and were not admonished by the VP candidate. In fact, Sarah loves the way her angry mobs are "giving the energy right back to her". I pray that the energy doesn't get directed in other ways.

The lies that McCain and Sarah perpetuate continue the Bush legacy of campaigning and governing through fear. But now they have added anger, deep seething anger, anger that approaches rage, that is disproportionate when compared to the rhetoric that drives it.

But then, the anger is not really about Bill Ayers, or Acorn, or taxes. Not really.

Just admit it: the source of the anger is that a black man is likely to be the next President of the United States. Although the "Straight Talk Express" broke down long ago, I encourage all of the angry McCain supporters to "out" themselves. Just go ahead and call Barack an uppity nigger. It will make you feel better, and we all know that's what you really mean. The success of his campaign infuriates you. Just own up to it and vent some of that steam. Please.

Because if you don't, and if McCain doesn't have the balls to stop his campaign's divisive rhetoric (he doesn't), then what will happen if Barrack is elected? What response will come from those that can't stand the thought of having a black President? Those sad McCain supporters, having been whipped into a frenzy by Sarah and Fox News will feel what? Will do what? Everyone speaks of McCain's honor, so I pose this question to you John: What happens if your campaign stokes the anger and hatred to the point that one (or more) of your supporters tries to assassinate Barack? You and Sarah believe in guilt by association, so will you be guilty of that assassination John?

Be clear: if such a thing comes to pass it will tear this country apart. This country that you say you love, that your supporters laud you for defending, will be torn asunder. In that event John, you and Sarah will be guilty. Guilty as sin.

God forbid.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Oh Joe, she's just so gosh darn cute. Golly!

Just a short entry here. Was that Tina Fey debating Biden last night? No? Fooled me.

Sarah did as well as I think anyone could have expected. Then again, not throwing up all over the stage doesn't qualify as mastery of the process. She proved what I posted yesterday; she's a master of the verbose non-answer, even at one point admitting it during the debate (really Republicans, this is what you want?). While much of the media focuses on her success in achieving mediocrity, I'd prefer to look briefly at Biden's performance.

Given Joe's propensity to go off topic and be, well, less than concise, he faced his own set of hurdles last night. Lost in the Palin critiques is the fact that Biden was masterful; his tone was perfect, he demonstrated vastly superior knowledge of every topic while maintaining an aura of congeniality. And folks, that's the real story of this debate. Sarah's cute (who winks at the camera?) but cute won't save your IRA or get Bin Laden.

We need adaptable, intelligent leaders to face the challenges left to us by the Bush Boondoggle. There was only one of those on stage last night and his name wasn't Sarah.

I'll wait a few days before I post again in order to monitor the public response. In the meantime, pay attention.