Saturday, September 27, 2008

Well, as we brace for tonight's VP debate, I have to give McCain credit: He did better than I expected him to do last Friday. However, the distinctions between the candidates were stark which I doubt that he wanted. He did (as I predicted) try to use a soundbite line to define Barack. Sadly for John, trying to claim your opponent doesn't understand or is naive while said opponent is simultaneously in the process of demonstrating a deep and nuanced level of understanding might not be a great idea. McCain's best moment Friday was while he played the Bully, not allowing Barack to counter punch. At the same time I have to wonder what was up with his refusal to look at his opponent. I saw the Washington Post try to spin this as a "Alpha Dog" technique, but I'm not buying it. He looked weird, and to me afraid to look at Barack. I'm sure that wasn't it, but whatever he was up to it didn't work. The most encouraging thing from the debate has to be the response in the polls: Americans may indeed be awake.

Now, we must acknowledge a couple of facts: The right wing base will not move regardless of the outcome of these debates. Ditto for the left wing base. This game will be won in the middle. Thank God that the middle seems to be paying close attention. The title of this blog reflects my sincere hope that the boondoggle we have endured over the past eight years may provide the impetus that creates a new type of American electorate, one that investigates, listens, and yes, reasons. We may be seeing the infancy of a new age of reason.

Then again we may not. Tonight's debate will provide a test of this theory. If Sarah is seen as doing well just for showing up and not vomiting, then no, we're not on track. Late word today indicates that she will "go after" Biden. Better to be on the offensive I suppose, although her plan would seem to ignore the problem of the moderator, who if the first debate is an indicator will work hard to move the debate where she wants it to go. Biden must be concise and respectful this evening. No rambling answers Joe, no condescension, stick to the facts and smile. I read two articles yesterday suggesting that Sarah might be a formidable debater. The reasons? She is a master of the 60 second answer that doesn't say anything and is therefore difficult to refute. And, in three way debates she has a history of standing back and letting her opponents fight, selecting opportune moment to interject cute, biting remarks. I expect some of the cute and biting stuff tonight, but there will be no opportunity to stand back - nowhere to hide. I also expect the "middle" to see the cute and biting remarks as scripted; hope I'm right.

And what of the Great American Bailout? What will Sarah think? Her answer to Katie Couric was interesting, if empty. At least it provided some entertainment. Americans lost 1.2 TRILLION in equity after the vote on the $700 billion dollar package failed. Seems like a bargain to me.

I don't posses a deep understanding of economics on a national or global scale. However, I'm fairly certain that another Great Depression would be bad. Let's try to avoid that.

Friday, September 26, 2008

To Bail, or not to Bail.

We had a cat fight at the White House yesterday. The Republicans turned on their own party, rallying around a rogue package - that had previously been killed by the White House. It appears that progress on the Paulson bailout package was proceeding albeit tortuously, when suddenly, the speeding John McCain arrived and threw it into turmoil. Very Presidential John.

And what a sense of urgency displayed by candidate McCain. He rushed to cancel his appearance with Letterman only to be interviewed later by Katie Couric, then spent the evening at a hotel, dawdling the next morning only to finally arrive in Washington in the afternoon. You suspended your campaign for this?

At least he's going to debate now, although I'm sure he didn't want to. Apparently his team's trial balloon about pushing back the debate so that it replaced the VP debate date didn't go over well. Too bad for them. I have a sense that Sarah is not coming up to speed as quickly as they hoped. The good news: She's got the Lipstick line down cold. And how about those photo ops at the UN? Now she has met some heads of state and she's clearly qualified to be commander in chief. Forget the lipstick and the pig; this is the emporer's new clothes. Maybe Olberman can start a "Days since nomination and still no press conference" count.

I must admit that I've been proud of Congress for pushing back at Bush and Paulson. Our financial system remains on life support and some sort of action must occur. However, the Bush/Paulson proposal was a classic Neocon power grab. This language was ballsy even for Bush : "Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are nonreviewable ... and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency." George must be tired of all those pesky Congressional hearings. I'm sure the Neocons were licking their lips at the prospect of "losing" a few more billion in the process. For once Congress got it right and added oversight provisions as well as protections for home owners. Of course that was before "McCain the Maverick" came to town and blew it up.

The good news for us: Congress consists of a bunch of rich people who can't afford to have our system implode. Something will get done. The bad news: we're paying for it.

Regardless, it's debate night. I'm predicting a major McCain stumble if not tonight then before the end of the debates. I'm sure he'll attempt a Regan-like line similar to the famous "I won't hold your age and lack of experience against you", but I doubt it will land. The great communicator he's not.

Grab the popcorn and pay attention.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Stakes of the Game

After the events of the past week, are we paying attention now?

Maybe. The new polls show a slight bump for Obama in some swing states.

Again, given that Mr. McCain supported President Bush over 90% of the time, that he has a loyalty to the very lobbyists that helped create $4.00 a gallon oil, unregulated loans and rising inflation, does anyone believe that he will solve this tremendous turmoil? And again, if not, why are 50% of Americans supporting him?

Maybe the answer is not Sarah after all, although she clearly has helped with white women. No, I think this election will turn on the elephant in the room. Yes, we're all ignoring it, and until this past weekend it was getting no play in the media. Then suddenly, there it was in all of it's ugly wrinkles: Thirty three percent of white Democrats "harbor negative views of black people, calling them 'lazy,' 'violent' and responsible for their own troubles".

Now, I knew that one of the challenges facing Barack was that some unknown percentage of Americans will not vote for him simply because he is black. For them Barack's skin color disqualifies him. What we don't know is what percentage of that group wouldn't have voted for a Democrat anyway. But wow, now we find out that one third of the white people in his own party reside in that racist demographic. This does not bode well for the non-Democrat electorate. No, it's an uphill climb. At this critical moment in our nation's history when we may be standing on the brink of another Great Depression, our electorate is focused more on the color of a candidate's skin than on the future of our nation and their own well being. This is both fascinating and horrifying. Can we really be so easily frightened and manipulated? Is anyone awake? Is this thing on?

The ridicuous efficiency of the Rovian Machine continues to distract our citizens. That machine tricks them into focusing on the middle name Hussein, or lies that Barack won't say the Pledge of Alligence, won't put his hand over his heart, or is somehow not qualified because he was a community organizer. An unqualified Vice Presidential candidate steals headlines and momentum, but is not allowed to speak to the citizens of the country she deigns to lead. In the face of foreclosure, bankruptcy and recession we have become puppets of the true American Elite who while running (ruining) our country shout "look over there" and we all turn our attention to the minutia while the robber barons steal us blind.

To quote Barack, ENOUGH. We must look beyond the facade created by the political carnies. Do not allow them to trick you into a game of three card monte - there is no ball under any of the shells. Your health, your home, your kids, your retirement, your country are all at risk. The truths we hold to be self evident are at risk. You unalienable rights are at risk. These are the true stakes of the game in which we find ourselves.

Please act accordingly.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Is America Awake?

As I watch the political theatre of the Presidential election unfold, I can't help but wonder if anyone is paying attention. Of course people are tuning in, voicing opinions, waiving signs and appear to be involved; but when the nomination of an inexperienced and unknown candidate with identical policies to those of our current President makes such an impact, one has to worry.

This is the first installment of this blog, and as you can tell we won't be dwelling on what candidate God wants, or if we should be teaching creationism in schools. *Disclaimer - I consider myself to be a deeply spiritual person, but one that truly believes in the separation of church and state. No, we'll be concerned with identifying the real issues facing our great nation, and trying to comprehend why so much of our electorate is ignoring them. We're not concerned with the lipstick or the pig.

No, I don't care about Sarah's lipstick. What I want to know is why the Republicans are so intent on hiding her? The Internet is abuzz with claims that she is qualified to be our VP, and therefore President. I'm going to ignore, for now, some of the more interesting qualifications that are being offered and focus instead on why she's not being allowed to speak to the public - beyond the Bush camp authored stump speech that she continues to roll out. Surely her fans are tired of the "I said thanks but no thanks" line. Right? Frankly, Sarah seems able think on her feet and there is no doubt of her likability. So, if she is qualified, put her on the stage and prove it. Get her under the lights and let us take a good hard look. And if they won't do so, what are they afraid of? The hard charging tough-guy "right" can't be cowards, or can they?

And here we're back to the question of whether the country is awake. This candidate has been immediately adopted by millions of our citizens with little or no thought - she's a mom, she's attractive, she's a governor, good enough for them. Furthermore, the surge (pun intended) that she created for McCain makes little sense given one fact: She's not the presidential candidate.

John McCain remains the Republican candidate for President of the United States. He has been a loyal supporter of President Bush and the policies of the Bush administration. Mr. McCain's team is comprised mostly of lobbyists for big corporations. Should he be elected, McCain will put his transition in the hands of, wait for it, an Oil Lobbyist (Dick Cheney and Big Oil anyone?). Logically, given what he has said and looking at the people he has hired, anyone could deduce that Mr. McCain will bring us more of what we've had for the past eight years: misery. The thing that confounds me is: If only 29% of Americans approve of President Bush, and McCain has demonstrated that he is "Bush Lite", why are 50% of Americans supporting McCain?

Which brings us back to Sarah I suppose. Somehow the "feel good" nature of her addition to the ticket is inspiring support for McCain. In the face of collapsing banks, an economy in turmoil, a health care crisis, rampant inflation, expensive oil, our diminished status in the world, and of course threats to our national security, one half of Americans are choosing a team of candidates that will perpetuate the policies that gave birth to these problems. They will exacerbate the issues that challenge our country rather than correct them.

Yet here we are, going boldly forward, full speed ahead, damn the economy! Why? We'll ponder that question in more detail soon. Thanks for reading this, and welcome.